Rent To Own RC-20 Retro Color

XLN Audio’s RC-20 Retro Color is a creative effect plugin that many world renowned music producers, beatmakers, and sound engineers use. The plugin adds life and texture to any recording. It can easily emulate the warm, cozy feeling of vintage recording equipment, but also works perfectly in any modern production setting. And Splice has now made this innovative plugin available with its producer-friendly rent to own option.

Through Splice, RC-20 Retro Color can be yours for only $4.99 a month. Now is the perfect time to jump in and start working with this amazing plugin. Especially if you haven’t used it because you didn’t want to purchase it outright.

And if you have a Splice Sounds subscription, you’ll want to download the amazing preset pack created by legendary music producer, !LLMIND. !ILLMIND’s M!ND WARP Preset Pack has everything you need to take this plugin to the next level. His Padthai preset is a personal favorite from this epic pack.

!ILLMIND also recently caught up with XLN Audio over Instagram Live during the quarantine. He discusses some of the ways he incorporates the powers of this plugin into his music production. It’s definitely worth checking out below.

Are you looking to add some new samples and loops into your collection? The Sample Pack Database powered by Millennial Mind Sync has over 13,500 sample and loop packs available for you to browse, search and filter.

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