If you’re an independent music producer or beatmaker, selling beats is likely your primary revenue stream. Another growth market for music producers and beatmakers to earn income from is sound design. The drive to sell sound kits and samples has been growing amongst the beat community for quite some time now. And yes, this absolutely can become a regular source of income for you. It is however extremely important to understand what your goals are as that will ultimately help you choose the best platform to sell your sound kits and sample packs.

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How big is the market for selling sound kits and samples?
One of the largest market places for music producers and beatmakers to purchase samples is the cloud-based collaboration platform, Splice. The company is evaluated in excess of $280 million and raised $57.5 million earlier this year. That’s $102 million in capital the organization has raised since its launch in 2013.
So how does that translate to those contributing the sounds available on the platform? Since its launch, Splice has paid out $15 million to sample creators and that number is looking to double by next year! With so many other sample and sound kit marketplaces out there like Loopmasters and many others, this market for sound designers, music producers, and beatmakers will continue to grow in excess of 100 million dollars in the near future.
How does one begin to sell sound kits and samples?
A good place to start here is understanding where you currently stand. Do you already have an established brand selling beats? Are you strictly an audio engineer? Are you just beginning your journey towards selling beats? Where you stand and what your goals are will help you decide what is the best platform for you to sell your sound kits and samples.
Once you decide on your path forward, it’s time to construct your first sound kit and sample pack to sell. Check out this informative blog on how to make a sample pack that I highly recommend you reading if you’re just starting to explore this idea.
Now you know your goals and objectives. It’s time to choose the platform best suited to meet them. These are the top platforms to sell sound kits and samples.
So there you have it. Different platforms to help you start selling sound kits and samples no matter what your experience may be.
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